Emergency Opening of Doors

person repairing the door
Image by Unsplash+

There are many life situations when emergency opening of doors is necessary:

person using screwdriver for lock
Image by Unsplash+
  • key loss,
  • an attempt at unauthorized opening by intruders and damage to the door,
  • jamming and breakage of the locking system, etc.

The entrance doors are specially designed to protect against illegal opening, so if you have high-quality locking devices installed, you should not try to perform an opening yourself. Such an attempt in 99% of cases only aggravates the situation and ends in a complete fiasco. Moreover, inept actions may lead to the need for a complete replacement of the door.

To solve this problem, it is more advisable to involve Local Locksmiths. Experts use special tools to carefully and accurately carry out the necessary work, so that all the structural elements of an expensive door remain intact. The maximum that may be required is the replacement of the lock or part of its mechanism.

Features of opening locking devices in various situations

package for door opening
Image by Wolfgang Claussen from Pixabay

The loss of a key is the most common reason for an emergency door opening. In this case, the locking device is in full working order, and can be opened in a short time (from a few minutes to 2 hours, taking into account the degree of secrecy of the lock).

The breakdown of the key in the lock usually does not cause any special difficulties, since with the help of special tools the chip is easily removed. This does not damage the device, but may be caused by a malfunction, so the cause of the failure must be identified and eliminated.

Opening locks by specialists after an unsuccessful hacking attempt is fraught with some difficulties. In this situation, the lock is usually damaged by an attacker, so a partial restoration of its functionality is required, followed by replacement of parts or the device as a whole.

In case of malfunction or jamming of the lock, it is necessary first of all to identify the cause of the malfunction. Only a specialist can handle this. In order to avoid further problems with the damaged locking device, it must be transferred to a specialized company for repair or replaced with a more reliable model.

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