It would seem, how can you compare such different types of transport? However, more and more Westerners are asking themselves the choice between an Electric Scooter and a car. And more and more people opt for the former.
Electric scooters have been on the market for a long time, but this type of transport has gained wide popularity only in recent years. Accordingly, many users find it difficult to understand the pros and cons of electric scooters.
What is an electric scooter?
The main difference between a conventional and an off road electric scooter is the type of motor. The first one is electric. It is this feature that determines the main advantages of this vehicle. Maneuverable, easy to manage and environmentally friendly electric scooter has become incredibly popular in recent years. Its accessibility played an important role in this – you can even buy an electric scooter on the Internet.
Advantages of an electric scooter over a car
In order to understand the pros and cons of these modes of transport, it is enough to compare them on the most important points.

Even the most ordinary car of the budget segment will cost at least 10 times more than a scooter with an electric motor.
An electric scooter requires much less attention than a car, in terms of maintenance it is much cheaper. Even in the event of a breakdown, the repair of a two-wheeled vehicle will cost many times less than the restoration of a car.
Easy to control
Learning to operate an electric scooter is faster and easier than driving a car. As a rule, several training trips are enough to confidently keep driving a scooter.
Fuel consumption
Even the most economical car consumes at least 7 liters of fuel per 100 km. It is enough for the owner of an electric scooter to conjoin the vehicle to the mains for 6-8 hours, after which you can drive almost the same 100 km.

Residents of big cities know how difficult it can be to find a parking space, while for owners of two-wheeled vehicles this problem is not relevant. And even if the latter, for security reasons, wish to leave their “horse” in paid parking, this service will cost them almost 2-3 times cheaper than car owners.
For many, this is the main point on behalf of iSinwheel. While car drivers stand idle in traffic for hours every day, this problem is unfamiliar to scooters: a small two-wheeled transport will pass even the narrowest street between cars, and no traffic jams will delay its movement.
An electric scooter is a personal vehicle for traveling short distances. Office 5-10 kilometers from home? It will be possible to get to it quickly and with complete comfort on an electric scooter: cut through yards, through parks, whatever you like. Moreover, the more such short trips a day, the more convenient it is to use it: there are fewer problems with finding parking and choosing a path.