All people who have a car try to decrease the level of expenses related to the maintenance because in certain situations such procedures can cost a lot of money, especially if to perform them on a regular basis. In order to get required support and help vehicle owners need to ask help from certified services like Central Avenue Automotive. This is an obvious and the most effective way to repair a car properly and eliminate possible mistakes and excessive expenditures that can have a place when owners try to finish the maintenance themselves. However, except for the correct service approach it is also rational to buy only a model which is cheap to maintain. Ideal options for purchase are variants from 2 and more years old exemplars, but also vital to pay attention to the brand because sometimes this plays a significant role.

Due to the origin of an auto, costs of spare parts can be formed. German models are probably the most affordable in Europe and even around the world, and additionally they are very reliable. From the available on the market options the most interesting are the following:
- Audi A3, A4, A6;
- Volkswagen (Golf, Jetta);
- BMW X3, X2, X1;
- Mercedes-Benz A-class.

Actually, all vehicles that are not included into the business segment and are not brand new will be suitable. Modern models are usually based on cutting edge technologies that in turn makes the service more expensive. As an option, examples with electric motors can be considered. They are significantly cheaper in maintenance in comparison with cars with internal combustion engines, however sometimes the service for EV can require replacement of the battery or the motor itself and then work becomes pricey. Anyway, only used options will be cheaper to maintain and only if a car is not from the business class series.