Electric Scooters Are Becoming More Popular Than Cars

person on the scooter
Image by iscooterglobal.co.uk
person on the scooter
Image by iscooterglobal.co.uk

Electric scooters are a great opportunity to have fun, because these vehicles are unique and at the same time, they have a lot of advantages over cars.

Why electric scooters happened to be so popular?

Year by year the quantity of motorists and, especially, cars on the highways is growing. But now it has become tougher to move around them, that’s why a lot of companies are striving to provide consumers with alternative means of transportation. It is referred to electric scooter. You will succeed to move around even in conditions of heavy traffic of city streets with them.


The main advantage of electric scooters is undoubtedly the presence of a battery that runs on electricity. And this means that you do not have to spend a lot of money on buying gasoline, you will show by your example that you care about the cleanliness of the environment, you can always recharge if necessary if you are in a populated area. One charge is enough for at least forty minutes of driving, during which time you can drive more than one kilometer. Off road electric scooter can be driven anywhere.

two scooters standing near
Image by iscooterglobal.co.uk


The cost of models from different manufacturers is not so high and depends on many factors. True, they will not differ in special characteristics, but more expensive models will allow you to enjoy all the delights of this type of transport.

Other benefits include:

  • Speed up to sixty kilometers per hour;
  • One battery charge is enough to drive about 120 kilometers;
  • No need for regular technical inspection;
  • An electric scooter weighs an order of magnitude less than a moped or bicycle;
  • The battery charges quickly enough – from six to eight hours.
  • It is surely able to withstand a load of up to two hundred kilograms.
  • A scooter with an electric motor is ideal for those who want to ride, but are not yet confident in their abilities or are afraid.

Advantages over gasoline units

In Europe, some models of petrol scooters are already prohibited by law. Everything is aimed at improving the ecological conditions of the planet.

person on scooter near the sea
Image by iscooterglobal.co.uk

Electric scooters iScooter undoubtedly have many advantages over gasoline units:

  • Their utility coefficient is much higher and every schoolchild from a physics course knows about it for sure;
  • The engine does not need to be repaired so often;
  • Parts are more available;
  • Electric scooters have a much prettier design;
  • There is practically no noise when riding an electric scooter, despite the fact that many gasoline models “strive” to this indicator as much as possible.

Scooters with an electric battery are inferior to gasoline models only in the driving range without recharging. You can ride them in the city, but you can always ask someone to recharge from an outlet.

You can always buy an electric scooter in specialized stores. If you don’t have those, and you also want to save money, then you can purchase the model you like on the website.

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